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اخر خبر

الاثنين، 7 نوفمبر 2011

إسقاط طائرات الأستطلاع المجرمة

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كيفية اسقاط هذه الطائرات الاجرامية وهو الافضل والاسهل, اذا لم يتم اختراقها والتحكم بها وهو الاصعب

هي طريقة عمليه وبسيطه لاجهزه وبرامج تؤدي الى اسقاط هذه الطائرات , جاء ذلك في سياق عنوان تحت مسمى كيف تسقط البرديتور How to down a drone
ومعنى drone اي زنانة

الطريقه في مجملها تتحدث عن استخدام الجامرز Jammers لتشويش على ترددات الاقمار الصناعيه ذلك التشويش يعطي جهاز الجي بي اس قراءه خاطئه بعدم وجود اقمار الجي بي اس مما يودي الى سقوط طائرات التجسس وطائرات الملاحقه ، ورد ذلك في مواقع اجنبية بالاصل.

و الجامر جهاز سهل الحصول عليه ,ويؤدي الغرض.

اما التقاط الفيديو من تلك الطائرات فتكلفته قليلة وهي عباره عن برنامج اسمه SkyGrabber ، اما الاجهزه المتوافقه معه فصحن لاقط وكرت استقبال DVB .

اما ثمن كل طائرة بدون طيار تقريبا 10 ملايين ,و ثمن 1000 طائرة دون طيار بثمن طائرة إف - 15 إيجل, وتستطيع هذه الطائرات الطيران لمدة 24 ساعة متواصلة, وبعضها تبقى 40 ساعة(طائرة البريداتور), وطائرة ريبر بعدها تضرب قنابل بوزن 225 كيلوجرام

ومنها طائرات ذات تحكم الذاتي ومبرمجة لتضرب وحدها عندما ترى الهدف , مثلا عندما يمر شخص يحمل كيس او شيئ معين , او عند مرور سيارة بمواصفات معينة وذلك باستخدام الذكاء الإصطناعي كالشبكات العصبونية الصناعية , مثل الطائرة الإكس 45 .

وهذا خبر ايضا بخصوص هذه الطائرات :


الهكرز المجاهدين العراقيين والطائرات بدون طيار الامريكية

لجاء المجاهدون العراقيون تكرارا الى برامج معلوماتية متوافرة في الاسواق لاعتراض بيانات ترسلها الطائرات الاميركية بلا طيار.

واكدت الصحيفة نقلا عن مسؤولين في اجهزة الدفاع والاستخبارات ان المجاهدين العراقيين بقدراتهم يستخدمون برامج على غرار سكايغرابر، الذي يمكن اخذه من الانترنت مجانا، لاختراق انظمة تلك الطائرات.

واكتشفت تلك النشاطات في تموز/يوليو 2009، بعد عثور الجيش الاميركي على ملفات فيديو مصدرها تلك الطائرات في كمبيوتر محمول يخص احد الموقوفين.

واكدت الصحيفة نقلا عن مصدر مطلع ان القوات الاميركية اكتشفت "اثباتات على مدى ايام طوال"، كما استخدمت الوسيلة عينها في افغانستان ويمكن اللجوء اليها في مناطق اخرى يستعين فيها الجيش الاميركي بطائرات بلا طيار.

ويستخدم برنامج سكايغرابر وغيره من الطراز نفسه الرابط المشفر بين الطائرة وغرفة القيادة على الارض.

وتعلم السلطات الاميركية بالثغرة في ذلك النظام منذ التسعينات لكنها لم تعتبر خصومها قادرين على استغلالها، بحسب وول ستريت جورنال.

واعتبر المسؤولون المذكورون في الصحيفة ان لا اثباتات على قدرة المتمردين على السيطرة على الطائرات بلا طيار او التأثير على تحليقها، غير ان الثغرة تسمح لهم برصدها ومتابعة تنقلها.

واكد احد مصممي سكايغرابر في شركة سكايسوفتوير الروسية للصحيفة انه لم يكن يعلم بامكانية استخدام البرنامج لاعتراض بيانات تنقلها طائرات بلا طيار.

وقال اندرو سولونيكوف للصحيفة ان البرنامج "صمم لاعتراض الموسيقى، الصور، الفيديو، البرامج، وغيرها من المواد التي يحملها مستخدمون اخرون على الانترنت، لا معطيات عسكرية او اي بيانات تجارية اخرى، بل مجرد مواد مشروعة متوافرة بسهولة".

-الخبر بتصرف بسيط لان اي اخبار ولو كانت صحيحة يحاولون التشويه والتحوير فيها -

ساعمل على البحث عن معلومات اخرى, واي اخ يجد اي امور اخرى ان يذكرها ويبلغ المجاهدين , حتي الان توجد معلومات ايضا عن صناعتها وتتراوح من امكانية الاستفادة من الطائرات بدون طيار لدى محلات العاب الاطفال(بعضها كبير) الى الاكثر تعقيدا وصولا الى التي ذكرناها : البريداتور و الريبر المستخدمة في الحرب في العراق وافغانستان واماكن اخرى , بالاضافة الى طائرات تصنعها الاردن اتفق المحتلون على تزويد فلول الردة في العراق بها.

Anti Tracking Anti-Tracker Device 1575 MHZ In Car

الموضوع/الملزمة باللغة الانجليزية هو:

How to down a drone…

February 11, 2010

“If you’ve done nothing wrong… you have nothing to fear.”

This year a UK Home Office backed coalition of regional Police Authorities will embark on a project to extend their national surveillance network by deploying unmanned airborne surveillance drones across the country. It’s planned that in the build up to 2012 the drones will be used to foil potential terrorist attacks, detect illegal immigration planning to cross the channel (by flying over France?), monitor anti-social behaviour and public order situations (demonstrations) and of course to gather intelligence on subversive activities.

The introduction of these drones represents a significant expansion of the surveillance state, planned and delivered by un-democratic consortium of police authorities and loosely regulated by vague and rarely tested laws. With this expansion of the surveillance state should come an equal counter-response probing the legal and practical boundaries of surveillance:

Anti Tracking Anti-Tracker Device 1575 MHZ In Car

What methods can be used to disrupt or destroy drone technology?

The drones come in a number of flavours; the ‘military derived’ Afghanistan tested fixed wing HERTI drone from BAE Systems, the much smaller and less serious looking rotor driven Hicam Microdrone and the rumoured Lindstrand Technologies GA22 airship unmanned inflatable drone. the drones are usually equipped with remote cameras but have already been tested to carry loudspeakers, LRAD audio technology and weaponry such as Tasers and Flash-ball guns (as demonstrated by Tecknisolar Seni in France).


BAE HERTI Specification

  • Payload: 150 kg
  • Length: 5m
  • Wingspan: 12 m
  • Loaded weight: 750 kg
  • Powerplant: Rotax propeller,
  • Cruise speed: 125 knots
  • Service ceiling: 20,000 ft

The first of the drones to be tested this year (in Liverpool – a strange choice considering the local’s aversion to aerial surveillance) is the ‘Hicam Microdrone MD4-1000‘ essentially an expensive (£30,000) rotor powered radio controlled helicopter equipped with night vision surveillance cameras and loudspeakers. The microdrone can take video images from a 500m distance and can track and follow human movement using movement capture technology. The drone is small; less than 1m diameter and 2lbs in weight, they can fly along a pre-programmed GPS route or be controlled ‘live’ by an individual (mobile) police controller viewing the camera’s output through head mounted lcd goggles.

Hicam Microdrone MD4-1000 technical Specification:

  • Rotor blades: Four 37cm (15ins) carbon fibre blades mounted on ends of lightweight arms
  • Antenna: Picks up signal from remote control handset and transmits images to controller
  • Camera: Operates at up to 500m (1,640ft), with option for infra red images
  • Central drum: Houses GPS system, which can be used to fly drone, a rechargable battery and other key electronics
  • Remote control: Used to fly the drone and operate the camera
  • Video glasses: Allow ‘pilot’ to see what is being filmed and to operate the drone when out of direct sight
  • Weight: Under 900g (2lbs)
  • Size: 70cm (28ins) across
  • Flying time: Over 20 minutes
  • Noise: Less than 65 decibels at 3m
  • Take off: Vertical

Microdrone base station
  • 2.4 GHz 4-fold antenna diversity receiver,
  • Internal power supply, Inputs: 230/115VAC, 12/14.8VDC, LiPo Charger and true single cell balancer,
  • USB video grabber, Video splitter 3x out, Downlink decoder for receiving the complete machine state (Battery, Receiver quality, RC-signals, Attitude, Altitude, GPS-position, Flight time etc.).
  • Base station software “mdCockpit”,
  • 1.4 Megapixel video eyeglasses, LIPO batteries 4s, 14.8V, 2300mAh included (same as flightpacks for md4-200) Peli case (fits into system case), Dimensions 486 x 392 x 192mm

Anti Drone Tactics:


The ‘insurgents’ in Iraq and Afghanistan have had some success in shooting down large fast flying US military drones – similar to the BAU Herti - using small arms fire; AK47s etc (currently unavailable at Maplins), so the slower moving Microdrones should be easy prey to automatic weapons fire – the obvious problem is that such weapons are illegal (in the UK) and not exactly subtle when used in a ‘public order’ environment.

For taking out Microdrones a (slightly) more legal option might be a paint ball gun which fires large calibre low velocity paint capsules that will blind as well as damage the target. Paint ball guns have the advantage of being legal and commonly available but again, probably not the best choice for riots and demonstrations. For these occasions, the simple hand held catapult firing a range of improvised ammunition should do the job though surreptitiously hitting a moving 1m sized target at a range of, say, 100 metres may require a little target practise…and may take a few shots as the drone can still fly with only two of its four rotors functioning.


Jamming the control and navigation signals should be an effective way of disabling the drones – jammers work within a fixed range radius rather than having to be targeted and have the added benefit of being non-destructive – allowing the capture and re-use of the confused drone…

Radio Control Frequency

The Microdrone uses the same radio control method as model RC aircraft to direct it’s flighpath. The exact frequency used by the police probably falls within the UK frequency regulations for RC aircraft otherwise RC frequencies can easily be scanned and jammed using RF jammers for selected frequencies or more crudely saturate the whole spectrum.

Build your own RF Jammer:


“If you want to saturate the bandwidth, you use an analog device with simple FM modulation. Eight 2.4Ghz wireless video transmitters of sufficient power would do it.”


The Hicam Microdrones navigate using standard GPS, which is particularly sensitive to jamming. There are a number of portable GPS jammers on the market or for a few quid you can build your own…


Signal Hacking

US authorities were alarmed when they discovered that the Taliban have been using Russian authored Sky Grabber software to intercept drone video signals:

“SkyGrabber is a hobby for person who accepting free to air satellite data by digital satellite TV tuner card from satellite provider. SkyGrabber is for fun.”



An important aspect of intercepting drone signals will be to use the footage against the police or is support of legal defence.

Other Anti-Drone ideas – please add your own!:

Focussed microwave beam

A standard domestic microwave could be focussed using a parabolic dish to direct the beam on a single source capable of destroying and disrupting circuity in cameras and motors. Downside is, mistakes could be dangerous or fatal…

Antidrone drones

Equip a common-or-garden toy RC helicopter with an attachable line that locks to a target drone. Once attached, pull the police drone down by hand…

GPS Jammers

Despite being illegal and potentially dangerous, GPS jammers like this model (designed to fit a car cigarette lighter) are cheap and readily available online.
With car thieves in the United Kingdom using GPS jammers to aid their getaways, experts say it's only a matter of time until crooks -- and, ominously, terrorists -- in the United States catch on.
Jammers transmit a low-power signal that creates signal noise and fools a GPS receiver into thinking the satellites are not available. They can be used to confuse police and avoid toll charges, and some pranksters use them to nettle unsuspecting iPhone users.
But the real threat is the unknown. Criminals could use them to hide their whereabouts from law enforcement -- and some experts fear terrorists could use high-powered jammers to disrupt GPS reception on an airplane or in military operations.
The devices pose serious societal risks, and they're unquestionably illegal to buy and use in the United States. The FCC is bullish about pursuing anyone who buys a GPS jammer and will prosecute and jail anyone who uses one. Yet they're easily bought online, and their proponents say they should stay that way. Fox News was able to buy GPS jammers for as little as $50 from numerous online sources.
"GPS is so embedded in the transportation, manufacturing industries and economies of our societies that the risk is high," said David Last, an Emeritus Professor of Bangor University in the U.K. and a well-known authority on criminal use of GPS jammers.

"It's especially so in telecommunications: GPS is the ultimate source of timing for most of our telephone systems, the Internet and, in the U.S., phone cells."
All those systems are potential prey for jammers, and that's largely why they are illegal. But the devices' proponents say they can serve a purpose, and that people should have the right to buy them. And, for the time being, they can.
Jammer-Store.com, a company based in Sweden, sells the GJ6 jammer for $430. Brando Workshop, based on Hong Kong, sells the Car Cigarette Anti-GPS System for $49. Jammer-Store.com touts free worldwide shipping via UPS, FedEx and others as a perk for shoppers; one site even cited U.S.-specific models.
Michael Kharkovoy, the CEO at Jammer-Store, told FoxNews.com that GPS jammers can be stowed easily in a car or a bag and can help avoid spy detection -- say, from a spouse who suspects infidelity and plants a GPS tracking device like the Zoombakina car.
"GPS jammer will help you protect your personal privacy," said Kharkovoy. "Our new GPS jammer model GJ6 was created to block all possible tracking systems and also all civil GPS systems including GPS L1, GPS L2, and GPS L5. To run the GPS jammer you simply turn on the switch at the top of the jammer."
But that, says Bruce Romano, the legal adviser at the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology, is not a good argument for using a jammer. Anyone, he says, can hire a detective to perform a sweep of a car or personal belongings to look for GPS receivers.
"Besides being illegal, or [criminals] thinking they can get away with using them because customs will not detect them, there are a wide variety of critical devices that could be affected, and there could be unintended consequences that cause problems, and you have no idea you are causing them," Romano said.
The Air Force -- tasked with deploying and maintaining GPS satellites -- acknowledges that GPS systems are vulnerable, since they are widely available for public use.
"GPS design has incorporated measures to ensure signal availability to users in a war fighter environment," said Andy Roake, chief of current operations at Air Force Space Command Public Affairs. "An element of signal availability is jam resistance, and that has been a key focus in the development of the satellite constellation, the ground segment, and military user equipment.
"It is an important part of what we've done with our GPS constellation, and we continually work to improve jam-resistant capability. However, we cannot discuss technical elements of how we achieve this due to the sensitivity of revealing capabilities to any potential adversary."
While government agencies will not discuss how they detect or dissuade jamming equipment, or how next-gen GPS satellites will be improved to make jamming more difficult, Last said there was one step the Bush Administration took in 2008 to counteract the jamming risk -- a high-power, ground-based system called Enhanced Loran (eLoran), which was designed to be a fall-back for GPS jamming.
"So far, the current administration has not announced any intention to proceed with eLoran," Last said, "... leaving the U.S. without the principal defense it had announced it wished to deploy."
Of course, GPS and cell phone jammers are not exactly state of the art. The devices, which cause signal confusion and disruption, are actually similar to illegal cell phone jammers.
The risk is low for airplanes, which use ground-based radars for guidance and have a back-up navigation system that does not depend on satellites. Military personnel use a private GPS network. But GPS jamming could nonetheless cause confusion in the cockpit as pilots have to switch to back up navigation systems. And maritime shipments that rely on GPS coordinates for finding port locations could face problems as well.
Ronald Repasi, the FCC's Deputy Chief for the Office of Engineering and Technology, said selling, importing, owning, or using a GPS jammer in the U.S. is illegal, and he said the agency actively pursues those who use the devices. He said GPS jammers could pose a potential risk if used negligently.
"It goes to the capability of the jamming device," said Repasi. "Higher power devices will have greater range and greater potential for interference over a wider area than lower power devices."

اخر الاخبار


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